Unrivalled change! A huge progress achieved on the ICC International Court of Arbitration. For the Court’s 2018-2021 term, the ICC World Council nominated on 21 June 2018 Court members with full gender parity and unparalleled diversity (see ICC webstory). The percentage of female Court members has risen from 23% to 50%.
The author has presented some studies and empirical research in a variety of articles about women’s involvement in dispute resolution, and has published last year an empirical research on ICC female Court members (How has female participation at ICC evolve). An update on recent evolutions and statistics is published in the July 2018 issue of the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin.
As of 1st July 2018, the 97 women who will sit on the Court represent half of the 194 Court members. ArbitralWomen is delighted to count many AW members among these Court members.
Nine of the 97 members are vice-presidents:
- Yas Banifatemi (Iran),
- Chiann Bao (USA),
- Inka Hanefeld (Germany),
- Ndanga Kamau (Kenya),
- Wendy Miles (New Zealand),
- Yoshimi Ohara (Japan),
- Claudia Salomon (USA),
- Anne Véronique Schlaepfer (Switzerland),
- Deva Villanúa (Spain).
The 88 members are:
- Sabrina Ainouz (Algeria),
- Ana Vermal (Argentina),
- Jo Delaney (Australia),
- Anne-Karin Grill (Austria),
- Elham Ali Hassan and Aysha Mutaywea (Bahrain),
- Françoise Lefèvre (Belgium),
- Nadine Dossou Sakponou (Benin),
- Zinka Grbo (Bosnia and Herzegovina),
- Eliane Carvalho (Brazil),
- Ina Popova (Bulgaria),
- Helen (Hong) Shi and Cathy Liu (China),
- Lillian L. Y. Chu (Chinese Taipei),
- Monica Jimenez (Colombia),
- Monica C. Fernandez-Fonseca (Costa Rica),
- Marina Kralj Milisa (Croatia),
- Maria Amparo Santana Calderin (Cuba),
- Michelle Sindler (Czech Republic),
- Henriette Gernaa (Denmark),
- Samaa Haridi (Egypt),
- Triinu Hiob (Estonia),
- Leyou Tameru (Ethiopia),
- Anna-Maria Tamminen (Finland),
- Christine Lecuyer-Thieffry and Carine Dupeyron (France),
- Ketevan Betaneli (Georgia),
- Anke Sessler and Dorothée Ruckteschler (Germany),
- Marietta Brew Appiah-Opong (Ghana),
- Niki K. Kerameus and Marily Paralika (Greece),
- Rose Rameau (Haiti),
- Kim Rooney (Hong Kong),
- Marianne Kecsmar (Hungary),
- Pallavi Shroff (India),
- and Laya Joneidi (Iran),
- Louise Reilly (Ireland),
- Samantha Nataf (Israel),
- Cecilia Carrara (Italy),
- Yoko Maeda (Japan),
- Aigoul Kenjebayeva (Kazakhstan),
- Njeri Kariuki (Kenya),
- Natalia Alenkina (Kyrgyzstan),
- Galina Zukova and Eva Kalnina (Latvia),
- Lara Hammoud (Lebanon),
- Farah Beitelmal (Libya),
- Renata Berzanskiene (Lithuania),
- Danela Arsovska (Macedonia),
- Sitpah Selvaratnam (Malaysia),
- Cecilia Azar (Mexico),
- Géraldine Gazo (Monaco),
- Tanja Planinic (Montenegro),
- Aïcha Brahma (Morocco),
- Marieke van Hooijdonk (Netherlands),
- Domitille Baizeau (New Zealand),
- Adedoyin O. Rhodes-Vivour and Yejide Osunkeye (Nigeria),
- Giuditta Cordero-Moss (Norway),
- Lubna Katbeh (Palestinian Territory),
- Beata Gessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz and Malgorzata Surdek (Poland),
- Marta Cruz de Almeida (Portugal),
- Cristiana Stoica and Luminita Popa (Romania),
- Julia Zagonek (Russian Federation),
- Milena Djordjevic (Serbia),
- Smitha Menon (Singapore),
- Maja Menard (Slovenia),
- Mahlape Sello (South Africa),
- Patricia Saiz (Spain),
- Helena Dandenell (Sweden),
- Teresa Giovannini (Switzerland),
- Madeline Kimei (Tanzania),
- Vanina Sucharitkul (Thailand),
- Affaf Ben-Mansour and Sana Belaid (Tunisia),
- Bennar Aydodgu (Turkey),
- Maria Kostytska and Olena Perepelynska (Ukraine),
- Sophie Lamb and Juliet Blanch (United Kingdom),
- Maria Chedid (USA),
- Sandra Gonzalez (Uruguay),
- Feruza Bobokulova Zarifovna (Uzbekistan),
- Diana Droulers and Diana Paraguacuto-Mahéo (Venezuela).
Congratulations to our colleagues!
Mirèze Philippe, ArbitralWomen Co-Founder and Board member, Special Counsel, Secretariat of ICC International Court of Arbitration