Last modified: 15 November, 2023

Worshipful Company of Arbitrators – Travelling Scholarship 2019 | Hong Kong

The Worshipful Company of Arbitrators invites applications for two Travelling Scholarships each of £5,000.00 (or more if a suitable case can be made) to enable the recipients to travel to Hong Kong in order to investigate aspects of the Private Dispute Resolution process in that part of the world and to report back to the Worshipful Company of Arbitrators by way of a paper which will be published by WCA once approved.

Applications are invited from private dispute resolution practitioners and academics at any stage of their career. Before visiting Hong Kong and while in the area, participants will be put in contact with local WCA members who will be able to facilitate contact with local practitioners and, where possible, to facilitate visits to hearings and other places of interest.

Initially, applicants should submit a short (one page maximum) outline of the research that they would like to undertake and a CV to Dr Chris McArdle, Chair of the WCA Education and Pupillage Committee by email to [email protected]

The closing date for applications is 31 December 2018. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview in London in January 2019 and are expected to complete the scholarship during 2019.


The CPR Y-ADR Annual Writing Competition for Efficient and Effective Collaboration Between Corporate Counsel and Outside Counsel is open to all lawyers who are 45 years old or younger or have less than eight years of professional experience in alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) practice, including, but not limited to, as counsel, client, arbitrator, mediator, tribunal secretary, or law clerk. Each entry must be between 2,000 and 3,000 words and address one of the following two topics:

  • Topic 1 Describe a way in which corporate counsel and outside counsel can work together more efficiently and/or effectively in an ADR proceeding.
  • Topic 2 Describe an experience in which you, as either a corporate counsel or an outside counsel, successfully worked together in an ADR proceeding with an outside counsel or a corporate counsel in an efficient and/or effective manner.

Entries may be authored by one individual or co-authored by two individuals consisting of one corporate counsel and one outside counsel. The winning entry will be published in Alternatives, and the author(s) will be formally recognized at the 2019 CPR Annual Meeting in Washington DC.

All entries are to be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] by no later than 11:59 PM EST on November 30, 2018. For more information and the official competition rules, please visit the CPR website.

Institute of World Business Law Prize

For more than 30 years, the ICC Institute of World Business Law has been enhancing ties between the academic world and practising lawyers.

Launched in 2007, the Institute created the Institute Prize as a means to encourage focused research on legal issues affecting international business. Contributing to the understanding and progress of international commercial law around the world, the Institute Prize recognises legal writing excellence.

The Institute Prize is open to anyone 40 years of age or under as of deadline date who submits a doctoral dissertation or long essay (minimum of 150 pages) drafted in French or English on the subject of international commercial law, including arbitration.

Deadline for entries 5 April 2019.


Faculté de Droit de Montpellier, avec la collaboration de la FNDE et du Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise

Le MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) Droit de l’arbitrage est un diplôme universitaire qui propose aux étudiants et aux professionnels une formation entièrement à distance, consacrée au Droit de l’arbitrage tant interne qu’international. La formation intéresse avant tout ceux qui, déjà orientés vers le Droit des affaires, souhaitent se spécialiser encore davantage et acquérir des compétences techniques en matière d’arbitrage.

Le MOOC a pour ambition de présenter l’arbitrage d’abord par ses fondamentaux (son histoire, sa philosophie), puis d’étudier sa théorie générale en suivant le cheminement d’une instance arbitrale, de la convention d’arbitrage jusqu’à l’exécution de la sentence et aux éventuelles voies de recours. Un séminaire pratique permet ensuite de se former notamment à la rédaction des clauses et actes de procédure, à l’administration de la preuve ainsi qu’à la gestion des coûts de l’arbitrage. Le Droit de l’arbitrage est enfin confronté aux différents droits spéciaux qui le sollicitent ainsi que comparé aux grands systèmes juridiques internationaux.

Cette formation est proposée par des professeurs et des praticiens du monde de l’arbitrage qui interviennent en français ou en anglais.

Afin que les étudiants et les professionnels puissent concilier les enseignements du MOOC Droit de l’Arbitrage avec leurs emplois du temps, la formation est dispensée à distance via des contenus en ligne (cours polycopiés et cours filmés). Ils sont mis à disposition au fur et à mesure de l’année universitaire, suivis d’évaluations en ligne régulières et sanctionnés par un examen final de 5 h. Cet examen permet d’obtenir un diplôme universitaire de niveau bac +5 (Master 2) délivré par la Faculté de Droit de Montpellier, en partenariat avec le Centre du Droit de l’Entreprise et la Fédération Nationale pour le Droit de l’Entreprise (FNDE).

Le diplôme est validé au titre de la formation continue.

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First Online Teaching of a University Degree in Domestic & International Arbitration

Program co-headed by Professor Carine Jallamion and Caroline Duclercq, in collaboration with the Centre du droit de l’Entreprise and the Fédération nationale des entreprises.

This degree offers a complementary training in domestic and international arbitration law to students and practitioners already oriented in business law, who wish to further specialize and acquire technical skills in arbitration. The online training will use documents and films, some in French and other in English. Teaching by professors and practitioners from the arbitration world will be either in French or in English.


The first official e-learning course to explain the inside workings of international arbitration and the 2017 ICC Rules of Arbitration.


The Erasmus School of Law (Rotterdam) started in September 2013 a new prestigious programme: the Post-Graduate LL.M. Arbitration & Business Law. The programme, entirely taught in English, especially aims at recently graduated lawyers and junior practitioners in law who wish to expand their practical and theoretical skills necessary to deal with business problems and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, in particular arbitration. For young lawyers who are about to become associates or who have been associates for a while at their respective firms, this programme provides a perfect way to spend a gap year.


The Universities of Lucerne and Neuchâtel as well as the Swiss Arbitration Academy are jointly offering a post-graduate program in arbitration. The CAS Arbitration program is a unique combination of an academic education and practical hands-on training with renowned international practitioners.


Wake up (with) Arbitration! (WUWA), a new bi-monthly breakfast debate dedicated to exploring the practice of arbitration, was launched on 10 October 2012 by three Paris-based arbitration practitioners, Valence Borgia, María Beatriz Burghetto and Caroline Duclercq. The inaugural event featured the controversial issue about: “Is an arbitration won or lost at the hearing?”.  For further information, check the WUWA blog: Participation is upon invitation only. If you wish to attend and/or have suggestions for future discussion topics, please email the organisers at [email protected].


Queen Mary launches a branch of its LLM programs in Paris next year. The program is taught in English by Queen Mary faculty and specializations are in Banking and Finance Law, International Dispute Resolution and Economic Law and Intellectual Property Law.

Read about the Paris LLM: